


Create success

Create success

Create success







My name is Kaito Yoneda and I work as a UI/UX designer👋
I am working to design experiences that impress people.

Work with :

My portfolio

My portfolio

My portfolio

Design production is mainly,
As far as my knowledge allows, I will respond flexibly.
We can respond in a wide range of fields, so please feel free to consult with us.







Although design production is the main focus,
as far as my knowledge allows, I will respond flexibly.
I can handle a wide range of fields, so please feel free to consult with us.

Web design

Web design

UI design

UI design

LINE construction

LINE construction



About me

About me

About me

Nice to meet you! My name is Kaito Yoneda and I am working as a UI/UX designer.

For me, design is like a translated language to make things easy to understand.

I want to support many companies and individuals so that everyone can feel good design close to them, and I also want to engage in activities to convey that.

I love examining design and generating new ideas.

Living by the motto "The things I am involved in are deeper and more fun than anyone else," I will work with clients who have given me the opportunity to pour passion and affection into the business, just like the clients themselves.

I am still a designer in the process of growth, but I will provide as much support as my knowledge and resources allow, so thank you for your cooperation 🙇

Nice to meet you! My name is Kaito Yoneda, who works as a UI/UX designer.

For me, design is like a translation language to make things easy to understand.

I want to support many companies and individuals so that everyone can feel good design close to them, and I also want to engage in activities to convey that.

I love to consider about design and create new ideas.

Living with the motto of "Being more deeply and enjoyably involved with what I'm involved in than anyone else," I will work with clients who are given the opportunity with as much enthusiasm and affection for the business as the clients themselves.

I'm still a designer in the process of growing, but I will provide as much support as my knowledge and resources allow, so please take care of me 🙇‍♂️

Nice to meet you! My name is Kaito Yoneda and I work as a UI/UX designer.

For me, design is like a translated language that makes things easy to understand.

I want to support many companies and individuals so that everyone can feel good design close to them, and I also want to engage in activities to communicate that.

I love to contemplate design and come up with new ideas.

Living by the motto






Any support that is not included in the service content will be flexibly accommodated to the extent of my knowledge and resources, so please feel free to consult with us once.

Thank you for dropping by🚀

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